Prix Px3 de la photographie 2011
[French version / Version française]
J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que mon travail a été sélectionné pour l’exposition du concours international "Px3 2011" dont le vernissage se tiendra le mercredi 29 juin à l’espace DUPON de 19h à 21h ! L'exposition se prolongera jusqu'au 13 juillet.
74, rue Joseph de Maistre 75018 Paris.
accès: Metro 12 Lamarck-Caulaincourt
Ma photo issue de la série "Histoires de Vies Ordinaires" a gagné le 2ème prix de l’ensemble de la catégorie "Fine Art". Elle est également récompensée de la mention "Gold" dans la sous catégorie "Nude".
Ma série "Latences" obtient quant à elle la mention "Gold" dans la sous catégorie "Landscape".
Plus d’informations sur les photos primées sur le site du concours: ici.
Plus d’informations sur le concours et l’exposition:
Cette année le jury était composé de:
Carol Johnson, Curator of Photography of Library of Congress, Washington D.C.; Gilles Raynaldy, Director of Purpose, Paris; Viviene Esders, Expert près la Cour d'Appel de Paris; Mark Heflin, Director of American Illustration + American Photography, New York; Sara Rumens, Lifestyle Photo Editor of Grazia Magazine, London; Françoise Paviot, Director of Galerie Françoise Paviot, Paris; Chrisitine Ollier, Art Director of Filles du Calvaire, Paris; Natalie Johnson, Features Editor of Digital Photographer Magazine, London; Natalie Belayche, Director of Visual Delight, Paris; Kenan Aktulun, VP/Creative Director of Digitas, New York; Chiara Mariani, Photo Editor of Corriere della Sera Magazine, Italy; Arnaud Adida, Director of Acte 2 Gallery/Agency, Paris; Jeannette Mariani, Director of 13 Sévigné Gallery, Paris; Bernard Utudjian, Director of Galerie Polaris, Paris; Agnès Voltz, Director of Chambre Avec Vues, Paris; and Alice Gabriner, World Picture Editor of Time Magazine, New York.
[English version / Version anglaise]
I am pleased to announce that my work has been selected for the exhibition of the international competition "Px3 2011" whose show opening will be held on June 29th at Espace DUPON in Paris from 7pm to 9pm! The show will be running to July 13th.
74, rue Joseph de Maistre 75018 Paris.
access: Metro 12 Lamarck-Caulaincourt
My photo from the series "Ordinary Lifes Stories" won the 2nd price from the complete "Fine Art" category. It is also rewarded "Gold" mention in sub category "Nude".
My series "Instant of Latencies" gets the "Gold" mention in sub category "Landscape".
More information on the winning photos can be found on the competition website: here.
More information about the competition and the show:
This year Px3 was juried by the following decision-makers in the photography industry:
Carol Johnson, Curator of Photography of Library of Congress, Washington D.C.; Gilles Raynaldy, Director of Purpose, Paris; Viviene Esders, Expert près la Cour d'Appel de Paris; Mark Heflin, Director of American Illustration + American Photography, New York; Sara Rumens, Lifestyle Photo Editor of Grazia Magazine, London; Françoise Paviot, Director of Galerie Françoise Paviot, Paris; Chrisitine Ollier, Art Director of Filles du Calvaire, Paris; Natalie Johnson, Features Editor of Digital Photographer Magazine, London; Natalie Belayche, Director of Visual Delight, Paris; Kenan Aktulun, VP/Creative Director of Digitas, New York; Chiara Mariani, Photo Editor of Corriere della Sera Magazine, Italy; Arnaud Adida, Director of Acte 2 Gallery/Agency, Paris; Jeannette Mariani, Director of 13 Sévigné Gallery, Paris; Bernard Utudjian, Director of Galerie Polaris, Paris; Agnès Voltz, Director of Chambre Avec Vues, Paris; and Alice Gabriner, World Picture Editor of Time Magazine, New York.
J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que mon travail a été sélectionné pour l’exposition du concours international "Px3 2011" dont le vernissage se tiendra le mercredi 29 juin à l’espace DUPON de 19h à 21h ! L'exposition se prolongera jusqu'au 13 juillet.
74, rue Joseph de Maistre 75018 Paris.
accès: Metro 12 Lamarck-Caulaincourt

Plus d’informations sur les photos primées sur le site du concours: ici.
Plus d’informations sur le concours et l’exposition:
Cette année le jury était composé de:
Carol Johnson, Curator of Photography of Library of Congress, Washington D.C.; Gilles Raynaldy, Director of Purpose, Paris; Viviene Esders, Expert près la Cour d'Appel de Paris; Mark Heflin, Director of American Illustration + American Photography, New York; Sara Rumens, Lifestyle Photo Editor of Grazia Magazine, London; Françoise Paviot, Director of Galerie Françoise Paviot, Paris; Chrisitine Ollier, Art Director of Filles du Calvaire, Paris; Natalie Johnson, Features Editor of Digital Photographer Magazine, London; Natalie Belayche, Director of Visual Delight, Paris; Kenan Aktulun, VP/Creative Director of Digitas, New York; Chiara Mariani, Photo Editor of Corriere della Sera Magazine, Italy; Arnaud Adida, Director of Acte 2 Gallery/Agency, Paris; Jeannette Mariani, Director of 13 Sévigné Gallery, Paris; Bernard Utudjian, Director of Galerie Polaris, Paris; Agnès Voltz, Director of Chambre Avec Vues, Paris; and Alice Gabriner, World Picture Editor of Time Magazine, New York.
[English version / Version anglaise]
I am pleased to announce that my work has been selected for the exhibition of the international competition "Px3 2011" whose show opening will be held on June 29th at Espace DUPON in Paris from 7pm to 9pm! The show will be running to July 13th.
74, rue Joseph de Maistre 75018 Paris.
access: Metro 12 Lamarck-Caulaincourt

More information on the winning photos can be found on the competition website: here.
More information about the competition and the show:
This year Px3 was juried by the following decision-makers in the photography industry:
Carol Johnson, Curator of Photography of Library of Congress, Washington D.C.; Gilles Raynaldy, Director of Purpose, Paris; Viviene Esders, Expert près la Cour d'Appel de Paris; Mark Heflin, Director of American Illustration + American Photography, New York; Sara Rumens, Lifestyle Photo Editor of Grazia Magazine, London; Françoise Paviot, Director of Galerie Françoise Paviot, Paris; Chrisitine Ollier, Art Director of Filles du Calvaire, Paris; Natalie Johnson, Features Editor of Digital Photographer Magazine, London; Natalie Belayche, Director of Visual Delight, Paris; Kenan Aktulun, VP/Creative Director of Digitas, New York; Chiara Mariani, Photo Editor of Corriere della Sera Magazine, Italy; Arnaud Adida, Director of Acte 2 Gallery/Agency, Paris; Jeannette Mariani, Director of 13 Sévigné Gallery, Paris; Bernard Utudjian, Director of Galerie Polaris, Paris; Agnès Voltz, Director of Chambre Avec Vues, Paris; and Alice Gabriner, World Picture Editor of Time Magazine, New York.
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